Welcome to

Lutra Interactive

“We turn science into educational games”

We are Lutra

Lutra is a Swedish game developer dedicated to educational and fun games with focus on ecology and sustainability. We are a spinnout company from Linköping University.

Our business idea is to enable a sustainable future by offering entertaining, informative and educational computer games based on research and science.

Our clients are science centers, museums, schools and private companies.

Our products


Ecoweb let you explore the food web in geographical areas. Find out how species depend on each other and learn how loss of species affect the entire ecosystem.

The simulation is based on research in theoretical ecology at Linköping University. The goal is to teach about biodiversity and ecosystems in an engaging and fun way.

The simulation is on display at Visualiseringscenter C in Norrköping and Universeum in Göteborg.

Games with sustainability focus

We use gamification for communicating the importance of different sustainability questions.

We produce smaller or larger visualizations and games for organizations, private companies or governmental authorities .

Our partners and clients

The Core Team

Anna Eklöf

CEO & Business Development,
Associate Professor at Linköping university

Magdalena Annell

2D-artist and


Nils Folker

3D-artist and Game Design

Jonas Hallin

Game Programmer,
Mathematics and Algorithms

Måns Gezelius

Game Programmer,
Mathematics and Algorithms